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How to get your ValuCard

  • Cards are issued to each government department
  • The HR department will issue the cards to workers
  • Workers should 'pin' the card to protect themselves from the unauthorized use of their 'cash back'
  • Workers should present their cards to participating merchants who will swipe the card on the POS terminal to record the purchase
  • The receipt will print the amount of the 'cash back' received from the purchase made by the card holder.
  • The 'cash back' is placed on the card each Thursday and will be credited ONLY if the merchant provides ePAY with the discount value issued to card holders
  • Workers will be informed immediately if the merchant does not pay over to ePAY the amount of discounts issued to card holders.
  • The 'cash back' amounts are accumulated to arrive at a cask back balanced which will be increased by discounts issued by merchants and reduced when the 'cash back' is used make
  • How to redeem your Cash Back

  • Public sector workers will be able to use their 'cash back' to purchase products and services from participating merchants.
  • The 'cash back' is treated much like a debit card transaction by the participating merchant.
  • Any amount of the 'cash back' balance can be used at any time to make purchases.
  • Card holders can purchase any merchandise or service from participating merchants using their 'cash back'.
  • Card holders can obtain balances at any time from participating merchants by asking a cashier to swipe their card and select the 'Balance Enquiry' option. A receipt will be printed with the balance of the available 'cash back'.
  • How to access Website

  • Public sector workers are provided with a secure password to log onto the website.
  • The website provides reports for card holders to access the usage data and balance enquiry relating to their cards.